Sunday, December 7, 2008

reaction to apology

Socrates’ defense on the Apology by Plato raises up many points and teaches us many lessons. When we will read the Apology on the first part we would see that Socrates was saying that the manner on how we speak was not important but what was important was if what were saying was true, he was saying that the excellence of a jury lies on knowing if a defendant was saying the truth. Many of us would agree on that, but I would not agree in it, because in the first place what is ‘truth’, many of us would agree that truth is something agreed upon, but is it always the case? No, there are truths that are not agreed always. Many would agree that what is true is what is logical, and then if something is illogical it is false, if we use logic we will must how something is said, we would look upon the manner to determine if it’s true. Then the manner of how we speak is important because it determines if what we say is true.
Another point Socrates raise was about wisdom, he said that someone who thinks his wisdom was worthless was wise but someone who thinks he was wise was not (23b). Socrates assessed himself as a wise man because he thought his wisdom is worthless, if Socrates thinks he was wise then he was not truly, because as what he said someone who thinks he was wise was not. I think what he said was a little vague because he did not specify to which extent should a man think his wisdom was worthless. What he said was paradoxical because if someone thinks his wisdom was worthless he will begin to think he was wise then he thinks that his wisdom is worthy because he was wise.
On 28c of the Apology Socrates that a man should take account, not the risk of life and death, but if it is bad or good, I agree to what he said a man should not think if the consequences of his action could be death, but if it’s right or wrong.
On 28e Socrates said that when we are in what we think is best we must not fear its consequences. I think his wrong on that, because some of what we think was best was not best around us, and it will not be good. We must always think of what was also best for those around us because it was a good thing to do. In 28c Socrates said that what was important is if what we do was good or bad, but it’s not always that what was the best on us was good for everybody, we must always think of those around us, for what is good was not only what was good for us but what was good for everyone.
Socrates said in 30b of the apology that excellence is what makes wealth, but wealth does not bring men into excellence. I agree with what Socrates said, when one is wealthy it does not always mean that he is excellent, but when one is excellent there is a large probability that the one will be wealthy. One must not only seek wealth but one must also seek excellence.
In 35c it said that to teach and persuade the jury is better than to supplicate them. To supplicate them is to ask for, but to teach and persuade them, you tell them what they did not know. I think it is best for a jury to know everything so that they could give a just verdict. When one supplicates the jury could perjure because he could give an unjust verdict contrary to what he was sworn of.
In 36c Socrates said that one must care himself before caring for his belongings. I agree because if he cares for his belonging first he could not care himself and his belongings would be worthless.
In 38a it was said that it was the greatest good to discuss virtue and other things everyday because an unexamined life is not worth living. If we always think of things in our life we could examined our life and make it more worthy.
In 32a we were told that, one who fights for justice must lead a private life. I agree with it because when one fight for justice he would earn many enemies, and when he leads a public life, his name could be tarnished, but it will not be when he leads a private life.
35 a,b said that it is a disgrace when someone with virtue begs for mercy when he was going to be executed as if he will become an immortal if not. In 39 a,b Socrates said that any man should not contrive to avoid death. I agree with what he said, death is inevitable, even though someone may escape it there would be a time when death would overcome him.
Socrates said at 29b that “to fear death... is no other than to think someone wise when one is not, to think one knows what one does not know”. In 40d to41c Socrates believe and has hoped that death is a blessing because as what he has said, if it is a complete lack of perception then death could be equated to a single night, and if it is a relocation of the soul then it would be blessing. I personally believe that death is being completely unconscious and I disagree that death is a relocation of the soul, when one is dead his brain suddenly stops functioning.

note:if you have not read the apology of socrates a version by plato is available below

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